Archive for April 14th, 2009

April 14, 2009

stuff i hate


I don’t like the word “um”. It’s not even a word. Stop saying it people.

Hate this question, “How’s life?” or any variation of this vague, frankly, lazy and rude question. I don’t have time to answer you. Ask me something more specific.

Starchy, mildly green bananas.

I don’t believe people that don’t like chocolate. You are a horrible person, a liar and I don’t like you.

I hate spilling stuff on me.

I hate that i need sleep. because I love it too much.

Hate that people actually label their relationship status on facebook.  Just don’t do it.

I hate early classes.

I hate night classes.

Hate socially awkward, aloof people.  If I try, you have to too.

Hate one-uppers.  unless it’s funny.

Spring allergies. it’s JUST GETTING WARM FOR GOD’S SAKE. Gimme a break. No Kit-Kat.

I hate people that don’t flush the toilet.  I mean, what is wrong with you? It’s a matter of courtesy, not water conservation.

Bad gifts.  If you know me and I get one from you, shame on you.  Don’t waste your time shopping, just give me the cash.

The inconsistency of the quality in cafe mochas at the dailygrind. Come on guys.  you are the best.  don’t do that.

Please, people. It’s “ask.”  As in, ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSK. Not Aks.